An Apology to My Former Fans
Wow! My first day back on coffee and I'm already sitting at my desk. Ok, let me say that I am so so so so sorry. I know it's been almost two months since I last wrote. I can make lots of excuses, some of them good, but the fact is I just haven't been working very hard on my literary career. A lot has happened though. I have much to tell you. And I will. I had a nice trip to Ohio. I suddenly developed insomnia. I misplaced a family member. I got a new job. There are lots of stories. I just need to get through this week. This week is awful. And I need to quit checking my Facebook. I can always tell how uninspired I am because it is in direct proportion to how fascinating Facebook becomes. I'll never truly be well until I delete my profile.
Look. I detect the pattern too. I write for a while. I have things to say. And then I take a sudden hiatus with no explanation. It's murder on my readership numbers. Who wants to follow a semi-annual blog? I know I need to regularize. I also know that I make promises every so often to increase my efforts, but I think we both know that is not going to happen. I'm just not that kind of blogger. My life isn't that interesting, and I'm not going to pretend it is just for the sake of writing. That's what diaries are for.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. Your patience is a thing of wonder.